Monday, February 11, 2013

Growing Pains!

  My five year old is taller than all the other kids in his class. When he was born he was this long skinny little boy. People used to ask me if he was a preemie because he was so skinny. He wasn't a preemie and he ate all the time, it's just how God made him. All the other babies his age were rounder then him and when people used to say he was skinny I wanted to say " no, it is just that your baby is fat!" Of course I did not say that to them, just to myself and well perhaps my husband when I was really irritated and wanted to vent. Now he is nearly six years old and he is still taller and skinnier than almost all the other kids his age. When he grows his legs hurt, often at bedtime or during the night he will come get me and ask for some medicine. This will last for a couple of weeks and then he ends up a little taller and pain free.
  My sons growing pains remind me of my walk with the Lord. The Lord loves us to much to leave us where we are at, is what I have recently been challenged with. As I wrote a few days ago I struggle with faith. Perhaps more than I should. I know what the Bible says and I think in my head that it is all true, but yet do a really believe it by the way that I live and by what I say. The past couple of days I have been struggling in my head with certain life problems. I think God why don't you just take care of this, what is it You are trying to teach me.When will you just answer my prayer already. You said ask and it shall be given to you. So I have asked why are you not giving it to me. Hello, God it is me, your servant asking for a little help.
  So today I open up to do some Bible reading and wouldn't you know God had something to say to me.There is this story about a Gentile woman in Matthew 15:21-28. This woman came to Jesus asking him to heal her daughter, who was demon possessed. At first Jesus ignores her, she then pleads with him again. The disciples want Jesus to send her away, but instead Jesus engages with her. He says in vs.24 " I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The woman came and bowed before Jesus and begged him to help her. And He says to her in vs.26 " Is it not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs?" The woman replies "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from the master's table." Jesus says to her " O woman, your faith is great, it shall be done for you as you wish."
  I am amazed by this story. This woman believed with all her heart that Jesus was the only on who had the power to heal her daughter. She had no power, doctors had no power, nobody, but Jesus. As I read this I thought wow, ok Lord that really hurts. I say that I believe You are the only one, but when times get tough and it seems that You are not doing anything I look to myself or to someone else to solve it.
  I so easily become impatient and want to find another way to take care of my problem, but really He is the only one who can solve it. So maybe what I need to learn through this trial is to keep asking and to keep believing He is the only one who can do it. There is no short cut and there is no easy resolution. Instead I have to grow up a little more and it is going to hurt a little or perhaps a lot before it is all said and done! But I have to chose to believe that He is the only one who can do it!

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