Monday, February 25, 2013

And the winner is......!

 As a young girl I remember that feeling of wanting to be as good or better at the things my friends were good at. I was not a tomboy, but I had a friend that was. She was so good at sports and making new friends and I was not. I was quiet and bashful! I was not all that athletic, but because my friend liked sports and could do well at them I tried. I tried softball, not such a good idea, if you are afraid of the ball hitting you. Haha!! I tried cross country, but I was almost always in last place. I tried tennis and actually really liked it, but not sure if I was really any good at it. Finally in High School I found my sport, I played volleyball and loved it. I was even pretty good at it, but a lot of my other friends were better at it than me. I remember feeling like "I wish I could be the star. I wish that people would think that I am the best player on the team."

 Now, of course, all that seems so silly. We were a team and we all played well, after all there is no "I" in team!!! Now I find myself at a different place in life. It is not about softball, cross country, tennis, or even volleyball anymore. It is about being a wife, mother, and child of God. I find myself still in the same predicament as earlier in my life. I am still competing in my head to be the best. I want everyone to look at me and say she is a great wife and loving mother and is the perfect child of God. But this my dear friend is only pride!

 God has called us to love one another and encourage one another. Not fight for 1st place, be willing to humble ourselves so that God would get all glory.

 Today I was reading in Genesis the story of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah. The sisters were always competing with one another. They despised one another. the sad part about it to me is that before they were Jacob's wives they were sisters. Maybe they never got along I don't know, but their jealousy of each other only destroyed their sisterhood. When I read this I thought, isn't that what I do with my competitive attitude? Am I only destroying the sisterhood that I have in Christ? God has blessed me with women and men in my life who are my spiritual sisters and brothers. He has given them to me to love and to encourage, not to compete with! He has given them to me so that I do not have to walk through this journey alone. Competition only destroys what the Lord has given me. I don't always see eye to eye with my fellow believers, but God says put aside your differences and focus on me and what I have for you. This journey is to difficult to do it alone, we need each other and we need to keep our focus on God.

 Today, my sisters and brothers in Christ, let us not compete with one another, but let us love and encourage one another. Let us be a team that together brings honor and glory to the Lord! Together we are stronger, together we can accomplish much in this world!

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